Nina is a teacher, performer, and educator in Jacksonville, FL. Oh, she is also my amazing wife. We have worked together for years developing her personal brand as a freelance musician and private music teacher. We were originally based in Houston, TX, where a saturated market of highly qualified professional musicians meant that a clean, memorable visual brand and website were key to keeping the gigs coming and the students calling.
It also just so happened that we got married in 2019, at which point she chose to change her name. So this was also something of a rebrand! We took the opportunity to lean into her new initials
Though not present in the logo itself, we spent a lot of time choosing a color palette to use in other materials, including her website. For a typeface, she wanted something that was modern and classic.
We spent a while fleshing out the brand – even with a logo that was basically only ever either black or white, we wanted to add additional interesting elements to the visual voice of the brand. So we settled ona series of line and corner ornaments that conveyed the sense of sophistication and elegance that she was going for.
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